SOBF Technology

SOBF® is a unique groundbreaking technology which utilises the expertise of some of the world’s leading scientists.


  • Bioavailability is a measurement of the proportion of a substance contained in any dosage that reaches the systemic circulation in unchanged or active form once ingested.
  • It is critical to determine the bioavailability of a product in order to work out the recommended serving per day. Compounds with a low bioavailability require administration at high doses in order to get the desired effect. However, this has important safety implications as high doses are often associated with side effects and tolerability concerns.
  • A factor which greatly decreases the bioavailability of a formulation is the manufacturing process. Due to the unique nature of SOBF® technology, the bioavailability of formulations made using this technology is actually enhanced by the manufacturing process, meaning that the highest proportion of active substance reaches the blood stream for activity. This also means that the lowest possible doses are effective and our products consequently have unrivalled safety.

SOBF® Applications

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About SOBF®

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